Friday, 4 March 2016


Deadpool brings the Chimichanga's!

Last night I went to see Deadpool for the second time. Why? Cause it's brilliant and if you haven't been to see it yet, stop whatever you're doing and go to your closest cinema and demand tickets. Don't even ask, DEMAND them. The film starts with action right from the go, and as is with Deadpool, a great deal of comedy. 

I'll say I wasn't expecting too much from the film as it seemed to become a little over hyped when I initially went to see it and as someone who doesn't read too much, I didn't really know the comics. So I guess I kind of went in to the film blind to what could be in it to the most part. I was not disappointed in what came along either.


There were a tonne of references in the film, poking fun at different people, but by far my favourite were Ryan Reynolds digging at himself. Within the opening credits you can already see a dig at him as Green Lantern, which he continues to mock throughout the film by saying 'just don't make my supersuit green...or animated'. There are also numerous references to Wolverine/Hugh Jackman and a mock aimed at Ryan Reynolds stint as Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

It's all of the little things that make this film what it is, and that is nothing short of brilliant. There is only one thing which bothered me about this film, and that was Vanessa. Now I know they needed to create a story, but I just think it could of been a bit better than her, as from what I am aware, she is a very brief romance in the comics. Plus after the actresses appearance on Gotham, I can't help but just know how irritating she is in that TV series.

Overall Deadpool is an action filled, comedy packed film from start to finish. If you ignore the annoying love story line that's threaded in between, then it is an incredibly strong contender for the film of 2016. Let's not forget on a little side note that Ryan Reynolds penis is in view in this as well, during a fight scene as he is being mutated. Just icing on the cake really.

- Hilarious
- Action Packed
- Ryan Reynolds PEEN

- Vanessa

Overall: 9/10

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