Monday, 4 April 2016


Batman vs Superman - Surprisingly Good

This past weekend I went to see the new entry in the slowly growing DCU, Batman vs Superman which I can say I went in with a bit of bias against the film. Due on two parts, the reviews that had been coming out left, right and centre, along with my utter love for everything Marvel. It was also my first time watching a film in 3D Imax, which I can say really added to the film. As we went in to watch the film, I was thinking 'I really hope this isn't a pile of crap like the reviews are saying', however I came out thinking 'bloody hell that was brilliant'!

Straight from the off however, I did not like Ben Affleck's Batman. I understand he has lost Robin in the film and he has now been doing the whole Dark Knight gig for a long time to see himself not give two fucks anymore but it just didn't do it for me. There's not one thing I can put my finger on, but I just didn't like this incarnation of the caped crusader.

However the same cannot be said for Wonder Woman and Superman, both were actually incredible. Wonder Woman was picked up perfectly and not given an entire backstory spoon fed to us which made her quite likeable. Superman because Henry Cavill, need I say more? These two were perfect for their roles and WW brought about some much needed female bad-assery to the Superhero Movies.

That all being said, I do hope they focus on Wonder Woman's backstory for her solo film as I believe that would be a nice tie-in, or at least give it a bit of focus as to why she was doing what she was in the film, so it's not just a quick here's some information, quickly digest it scenario. 

Which leads me on to a part of the film which really left a sour taste in my mouth. The whole 'surveillance' thing that Lex Luthor had going on. So somehow with facial recognition he figured it was the same woman from years ago, then hacked a Cash Machine camera to get a picture? Then he happened to have some CCTV showing the Flash stopping a robbery, the diaries of the scientist creating Cyborg and footage of Aquaman emerging under the water? I just found that part absolutely ridiculous that he had all this footage of Super humans and the whole encryption was poor. Just bothered me an awful lot.

There's a few extra parts which also bothered me, which didn't make too much sense, which were in Bruce Wayne's dream sequences. He would randomly pop in to these dream sequences, such as seeing Cyborg come from a warp hole and give him advice. These aren't explained too much in the film, however the DVD release is bringing in a lot of scenes that were cut from the film, hopefully explaining these a bit more.

Overall the film was definitely watchable and if you enjoy Super films, ignore the critics and go watch it, as it is a very enjoyable experience.

- Good Action
- Wonder Woman makes a perfect entrance

- Batfleck
- Poor introduction of other Supers

Overall: 7.9/10

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